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Three 2016 App Trends you’ll see again in 2017

maryland, web, design, apps, mobile, marketing

The mobile app development world is growing at a rapid rate. Whether you are an app developer or a business who is developing an app for your company, you’ll want to keep up to date on the ever evolving trends and new updates that happen in the app world. Here is Advantage Internet Marketing’s top 3 list of app development trends from 2016 that we see carrying over and even expanding in the coming 2017.

Hybrid Apps

Is it native, is it hybrid? You decide, in 2016 developers saw a huge increase in hybrid html5 development.  In 2017 expect the hybrid apps to up their game, get more technical and meet even more developing needs.

Cross Platforming

There has always been a divide between the PC and the MAC users in the computing world, that rivalry has now transformed into an apple vs. android debate. in 2016 we saw many solutions for cross platforming apps that allow for equal playing field and user experience.  In short: across devices, across all systems, content management, screen sizes, expect to start seeing vast consistency in 2017.


2016 was the year of the wearable devise, these devises go hand in hand with apps and as people begin to conform to the wearable devise trend, the need for more compatible apps with come with that.

These predictions are based solely on our opinion and experience in marketing and mobile app development. Maybe you app could be the next big trend, If you have a genius idea or need some help coming up with an app that will work for your business, our Mobile app development experts can help. Just contact us online or give us a call!

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