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The Makings of a Great Small Business Video

If you’ve spent more than a few minutes online, you know that videos are essential to Internet marketing. While it’s not realistic to plan for your company’s video to go viral with 100,000+ views, it is a great way to present information about your business to customers on desktop and mobile devices. There are a […]

End of Year Internet Marketing Goals

We are reaching the halfway mark of September. It’s that time of year that you have to stop and look back at 2016 to assess if you met your early goals and start preparing for the end of the year. For Internet Marketers the end of the year is usually inherently busy and as an […]

Tips for Small Business Video Marketing

It is clear that video marketing is taking the forefront of online and social marketing channels these days, and with it are coming many new features, options, and outlets for small businesses to take advantage of.  Many small businesses are using Facebook Live video as an easy tool to learn and it is proving to be […]

Content Marketing: The Hurdles

If you attend a marketing conference or talk these days, you’ll hear all about how Content Marketing is King.  We are drilled over and over that this is the way of the future of marketing and it really all sounds great, here’s a few things you might be told: You have to create awesome content Build […]

Why Google Reviews Matter to Small Business

Ten years ago when you were looking for a restaurant, plumber, or business in an area you might have reached out to your friends or family for their experiences and recommendations.  But in recent years, the way that people find businesses in their area has completely changed.  Instead of asking your friends who the best […]

The Future of VR Video Marketing

You may be unaware but the VR (Virtual Reality) is now available to the public and gaining some very quick ground in the gaming world and online in general.  Because of it’s popularity marketers are taking advantage of the platform to experiment with it and use it to help sell products and educate consumers.  It’s […]

Brand Visibility

Many years of marketing experience and education has taught me a lot about the relationships between the product and the consumer, as well as the business behind the product.  I have watched marketing grow from a print industry to a digital one, seen logos from brands I love evolve into more refined versions of themselves, much […]

Dealing with WordPress Updates

WordPress is an amazingly useful tool. We use it on approximately 85% of our projects, and it is used by approximately one-quarter of the entire Web. A new major version of WordPress is released every 3 or 4 months with a variety of new features. There is a vibrant development community surrounding it, and there […]

What Video Sharing Sources Exist That Aren’t YouTube?

YouTube has quickly soared the internet ranking to not only become one of the most visited websites, but is now in fact the second most used search engine just following Google.  That’s right, if you are searching for something on the internet after you Google, or maybe even before, you’ll probably go to YouTube and […]

8 Ways You’re Doing Social Media Wrong

Social media should be a part of every business marketing strategy, it’s an important tool and allows you to reach directly to your audience on a daily basis, not only that, for the most part, it’s free.  Small businesses don’t often understand the inner workings of social media as a marketing tool and can often […]